I am Leslie Williams, and I began this inspirational journey by entering into a seven-day prayer. During this time, God revealed his prophecy through a young lady I knew. The word became life as I further discovered my talents that were placed on a shelf. Thus, It’s Personal by Les came into full fruition. I began to hear God speak to the talents that long awaited me. I was studious and humble while acquiring new skill sets to enhance my abilities to deliver Liberty in one’s dress and confidence through God’s eyes. To say the least, I am blessed to be a blessing to others as they walk through life’s challenges, struggles, and fears. I assist them in being a beacon of light in the darkest hours. Their voices become vehicles of expression. While loving fashion, it became apparent that I needed to allow God to manifest in my delivery to show others that they are beautifully and wonderfully made in His image.

  • It's Personal by Les Voyage Houston Interview

    Leslie Williams

    It's Personal by Les recently sat down with Voyage Houston for an exclusive interview. Check it out here!  

    It's Personal by Les Voyage Houston Interview

    Leslie Williams

    It's Personal by Les recently sat down with Voyage Houston for an exclusive interview. Check it out here!